Boat Builder’s Incredible Shipping Container Home – New Zealand

Evans, a retired boat builder who has constructed a brilliant and compact home in a 20ft shipping container. When we first met Evans, I was impressed by his obvious skill and creativity. After many years working as a shipwright and furniture maker he has clearly honed his talents, and those gifts have all been well used in the clever construction of this fantastic tiny home.

If you’re interested in seeing the home in it’s last setup, click here to view our original home tour with Evans. Since we filmed that tour, a lot has changed in Evans life. Originally, Evans didn’t plan on moving into his 20ft container home until it was expanded and the project was finished. He had plans to extend the container and create a larger living area to complete the home. Those plans were put on hold after he suffered a heart attack, doing permanent damage to his heart and where he was told he would no longer be able to do any physical work.

Given his stop work order, he decided to move into the home as it was and start thinking about what was next. In that respect, having the 20ft container home was a bit like a safety blanket. It’s a place which he owns, without debt and where he knows that no matter what happens in his life he will always have a place he can call home.

I have such tremendous respect for Evans. He is the kind of person who, no matter what life throws at him, he just keeps pushing through. Not long after his heart attack, he converted his workshop container into a laser printing office, so that he could get creative with a different, less physical work. Fortunately for Evans, he has since recovered very well and is now able to get back into some of his construction work again and the laster printing is now more of a hobby.

See also  Functional Container House made with 4 x 20ft Shipping Containers

Evans home is now made up as almost a complex of three different 20ft shipping containers. One his home, one his workshop and the other his office / laser printing space. In one of his containers he also has a small living module, where he once lived for 6 months while working on boats in Portugal before that container, along with his tools was shipped back to NZ. Together, these spaces form a very unique home and work setup, perfectly suited to Evans needs.

You may notice that the home is in a completely different location. When the previous marina he was parked at changed their policy, he was forced to find a new location for his containers. Fortunately, he went from a great place, to an even better location! His new spot has allowed him to nestle his home into a small section of bush, create a private walkway to his home and build a unique set-up where his three containers, are stacked on top of one another. He has constructed a porch area and a veranda with commanding views out over an estuary.

It’s great to see Evans doing so well and in such a brilliant new setup. He still has plans to expand on his container home, yet for the moment is perfectly content living his his wonderful tiny house.

Evans is also passionate about sharing his knowledge and helping others who are interested in building their own container homes. He has created a booklet which details many aspects of container home construction which is now available via his website, so be sure to check that out.

See also  Container Homes on Wheels: The New Face of Mobile Living

Source : livingbiginatinyhouse

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