Cozy Shipping Container House from San Bernardino, California – USA

Hi everybody ?

We continue to discover for you. Our container house on today’s tour is from San Bernardino, California – USA.

Tiny living concept has started to become widespread recently, especially in America and other countries.

Thousands of Airbnb rooms and hotels suitable for this concept have been built and are still being built.

Of course, Tiny Container House does not have the size and luxury of hotels that can disturb some guests.

But this situation allows you to discover new places apart from the usual holidays and to be more intertwined with nature.

With this 150 square foot shipping container house, you can listen to yourself and experience spiritual relaxation at the foot of the peaceful and calm mountains.

Right in the center of all: 1.5 hour from Santa Monica and Venice Beach, 1.15 to Huntington Beach, less than 2 hours from San Diego, 3 hours to Las Vegas and 5 min from the world famous motocross track USA. A hot spot for paragliding is just 5 minutes away!

To rent this beautiful house, you can reach the Airbnb page here.

Price : $40/ night

Living in a Container explores projects made with shipping containers around the world and shares them for you.
Don’t forget to take a look at the structures made with other amazing shipping containers on our site!

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See also  A Container Villa in the Heart of Nature: You Won't Believe This Stunning Villa!

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