Sustainable Container Residence in Indonesia

Hello Everyone,

We continue to discover for you. Our container house on today’s tour is from, Lombok, Indonesia.

Shipping containers are used in construction of many buildings. These buildings are:
Residential homes, Villas, Mansions, Hotels, Resorts, Guest homes, Cafes etc.

These all can be constructed through shipping containers. Shipping containers are mostly in two sizes. One is 40 feet. Other is 20 feet. These are used separately or can be used in harmony.

The containers have many uses. These are used to transport goods from one country to another country. These are reformed to use in construction of buildings.

How containers are set at the desired place?

Well, it is a hectic task. The containers are being ready at the working shops. These are cut and are given a shape. Then these are transferred to the place where owner wants to construct. This demands energy but working machines help a lot.

The containers are good in this way that these do not demand much human energy. The working machines and transports play an important role in making a home of steel shipping containers. These containers are then joined at that place. The spaces are left for windows and doors.

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Insulation and paint of the home

The containers are insulated after the completion of construction. The insulation must be of good quality. The paint of the home must be in this way that it should not be damaged by the change in weather. Containers are durable for mire than 25 years if insulation and paint are done in right way. The unique and final touch of any home is by its paint.

A house made of shipping containers

As discussed above, it is misconception that containers can only make small homes. These can construct as large place as you want.

This house is practical example of this fact. It is made of steel shipping containers. These are set in entirety different design to give an elegant look. The house is designed at the center of hills with waterfall, ocean nearby. The house is impressive and named by owner Seven Heaven Residence. It is a stay center for tourists. So, containers provide living areas at such places. It is a wonderful thing.


Life Uncontained Shipping Container Home

Different portions of this building.

This container house consists of:

  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom
  • Living room
  • Kitchen
  • Outer corridors


It is widely designed area. The bedroom is modern. In fact, whole area is constructed in stylish design. The architecture is not simple. Containers are not set in a simple sequential form. The containers are set in oblique form one above the other. The containers are painted white.

Bedroom has large glass windows. The harmony of wood, glass with steel containers give a very nice look. The windows are set in walls. These give whole outer view. The rain falling is very attractive when it is enjoyed from bedroom in morning. The rest of wall and floor have great use of wood. Wood is used in whole construction largely.

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Bathrooms are designed with modern equipment. The toilet and shower are set here. The sink and other facilities are set. Tiles have been used in construction. Wood material has also been used. The mirror is set. Hot and cold water facility is present.

Living room

It also has modern furniture. The wood construction is preferred here for interior designing. The large sofa is placed here. LED is set. The glass windows are on the back and on the side. This overall gives a very modern and stylish look. The floor is also made of wood.

Kitchen and dining table

Stainless steel has been used in kitchen. The accessories are all there. Cabins are made of wood. The sitting table is made of wood. The housis perfect for staying during visit. Modern lights have been used in construction. There are hanged from the ceiling. This all makes this living area a beautiful place.

Outer enviroment around the house

This house has very beautiful outer atmosphere. This is not at the ordinary place. It is located in the center of hills. The waterfall is nearby. So place is eco friendly. This is best place for nature lovers. Imagine the falling of rain and a cup of hot tea, standing in the corridor and observing the flapping movement of leaves. This imagination motivates oneself. Living in this place obviously a great experience.


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Outer wooden corridors

The most beautiful thing which I like about a hotel, is its wooden corridors in such environment. The seating sofas are placed in outer verandas. The swimming pool is also designed. The wood use in floor making increases its beauty. The tiles and other concrete material is also impressive but wooden floor is more decent at such places.

Name and location of the house

This place is named as Seven Havens Luxury Residence. Designed by Indonesian Budi Pradono Architects. As I mentioned above, it is a kind of house. This is double storey. It is located near to Lombok International air port. It is near to Selong Belanak. The house construction was started in 2016 and it was completed also in 2016.

So, containers provide living areas near international ports. Tourists were reluctant to go to tour in ancient times because they had no living facilities. Now this is a very nice thing which containers are doing. They are providing homes at these places. Description of this elegantly designed home ends here.

If you are interested in structures made with shipping containers, you can find what you want among thousands of container house models. Be aware of the contents by following our Facebook and Pintereset accounts.


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